Welcome Anteaters to the United Voice

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Cascada’s Ping Pong Tournament from Mesa

By Amni Al-Kachak

It’s about 12 am, and as the paths along Mesa Court are becoming less quiet, as undergrads are going back to their dorm or the library to squeeze in some last-minute studying, cheers and inspiring music is heard from my very own hall, Cascada.

A couple of weeks ago, we decided to have our own Ping Pong tournament, as just about everyone in our hall has indulged in temptation by taking a break from their homework to come out to the second floor to play a little ping pong. This inspired, our RA, Ali Aoude, to plan a Ping Pong tournament for all the residents of Cascada. A couple of residents volunteered to plan the logistics of the event. My next door hallmates, Daisy, Crystall, and Kirshtine made sign-up sheets for doubles and singles. They also made brackets on big yellow sheets of paper, only making the event feel more real.

The event took place on a cool Thursday night after the Cascada residents came back from their weekly Thursday hall dinner at Mesa Commons. As we came in, we saw that Ali had set up granola bars, Gatorade, and Red Bull to keep the eager players full and focused. Then, to give everyone motivation, one resident deejayed all night, playing inspirational, get-up-and-play music that made everyone feel that “stuff just got real”.

Singles played first, with Joseph Tran coming out on top. Joseph, being such a strong player, went on to win the doubles match, as well, with his partner Wesley Dodge. Throughout the games, people were coming in and out of their rooms, rooting on their friends, doing the wave, blending the names of the partners (My partner, Cassie, and I were Camni), and overall having a great time working up a sweat and laughing all along the way.

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