In Arroyo Vista, we just wrapped up our latest Diversity and Wellness
event, the Hunger Games events! On Monday, participants learned about how
many calories and how much sugar is in their favorite beverages. 17 seemed
to be the magic number, as a 20-oz soda has about this many teaspoons of
sugar! Tuesday was Alternative Diets night, with residents learning about
vegetarians, vegans, raw-foodists, and more! On Wednesday, people learned
about how to eat healthy at college. This night's event, titled Eating In
and Out Healthy, enlightened residents about how to cook healthy food as
well as how to order more healthy food when they dine out. Thursday was
the main event, pitting contestants against each other in games of
Jeopardy to see who learned the most. There was also a raffle for gift
cards to places like Albertsons and Subway. Overall, these events were
very informative and interesting! Its always important to know what
exactly you are eating!
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