Welcome Anteaters to the United Voice

Welcome Anteaters to the United Voice. Enjoy articles, videos, comics, stories and more from Anteaters all around the four campus communities (Arroyo Vista, Campus Village, Mesa Court, and Middle Earth). Plus keep up with the latest from GUSH. Enjoy!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Casino Night Event AV

Thursday of Week 7 AV had our Casino Night event. Despite barely finishing
setting up in time (5 minutes before the start time!) it was a roaringsuccess! We had over 100 residents attend to mingle and play Blackjack,Roulette, Craps, and Poker. The Community Center was filled with peoplefor the whole four hours that the event ran! We had a lot of residents andRA's volunteer to help set up, deal, and clean up, so AVSC didn't have todo everything! Overall the event went extremely well!

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